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Infinite srength

Welcome to Ananta

We believe health and fitness are essential aspects of a fulfilling life. That’s why our team of expert fitness consultants is dedicated to helping the world achieve its fitness goals in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our concept is unique and is possible through our fitness events, and dedicated team, along with access to our programs studios and gyms.

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TTR - Time To Rise 

Time to Rise (TTR) is an exhilarating fitness event running from June 8th to September 21st 2024 featuring free public boot camps, nighttime duathlon races, and a challenging hiking series. Powered by Cheetah Energy Drink, TTR combines high-energy workouts, and mini-music concerts, creating a dynamic community experience that inspires and elevates your fitness journey. Join us and rise to new heights of health and fitness.

Workout Facility

Your Facilities

Our Methods

Your Classes

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50 +

For over 50 years, we aim to provide exceptional fitness experiences for our clients. We understand that as we age, our bodies require different forms of exercise to help us stay healthy and active.

Functional Training

Our functional training classes are designed to help you achieve a lean, toned body. Our expert trainers will guide you through the different exercises and help you achieve the perfect body shape, and gain strength in your bodies's day to day funtionality.


Our High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) classes are designed to help you gain muscle, build endurance, and improve your overall fitness. Our expert trainers will guide you through the different workouts and help you achieve your fitness goals.


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